Tuesday, December 11, 2012

perkeso.gov.my - PERKESO / SOCSO

PERKESO (Pertubuhan Keselamatan Social) or SOCSO (Social Security Organisation), was established in 1971 by Ministry of Human Resources with the aim to enforce the Employees Social Security Act 1969, so that it's benefit employees under the Employment Injury Insurance Scheme and the Disability Pension Scheme.

Overall the schemes protect employees against job-related injury and disability,workplace accidents, occupational diseases and death.

Site language: English, Bahasa Melayu

Useful information you can get from SOCSO:
1. Employee and employer registration
2. Scheme contribution
3. Statistic and annual report
4. e-payment, e-Semak
5. SMS complaint
6. Form to download
7. SOCSO service address
8. Calendar activities and news

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Friday, December 7, 2012

rela.gov.my Official Portal Of RELA

Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia (RELA) / Malaysia people volunteer corps was established on 11 January 1972 with the effective of Emergency Act 1964. The establishment enable volunteer to preserve and maintain the national peace and security.

Functions and duties of RELA
1. Assist government in terms of security and social economic development.
2. As an ambassador of the government to implement government policies.
3. Implement networking and security forces and other enforcement agencies.
4. Provide training

Site language: English, Bahasa Melayu

Useful information you can get from:

1. RELA training course
2. RELA Membership Statistic
3. Membership application
4. Activity report

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube